Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Sunday, November 6, 2022 -- Model T swap meet & show in Chatsworth -- Part 2

Interesting locking steering wheel (for Ford).
Pretty pricy ($425).

Didn't know that UL did this kind of thing 100 years ago.
I wonder what exactly they "inspected"?
Did UL have a safety standard specifically for this product? (Motor Vehicle Lock Class B)

An old Datsun pickup bed trailer.

Nice space and location for a show & swap.
Plenty of space.

The Amtrak line goes right by this field.
Saw the passenger train that goes up the coast go by...


Tuesday, November 1, 2022 -- Manhattan Beach Pier


Sunday, October 23 2022 -- LBMCSM - Part 7 - Campagnolo small wrench

Not marked with sizes.
Looks about 10 & 12 mm.


Saturday, October 22, 2022 -- Fall Fling Mopar @ Woodley Park -- Part 12



Sports Cars Illustrated -- September 1959 - Part 6


Early American Car Advertisements -- Scripps-Booth Eight ($2,575 in 1914 = $76,000 in 2022)


Indy 500 Pace Car & Program - 1991 Dodge Viper RT/10