Thursday, December 24, 2020

Monday, December 21, 2020 -- Manhattan Beach Pier - Beautiful day...

It's a beautiful warm day (high in the upper 70s F).

Windy on the way back...

Lots of people out riding and jogging...


Charging the battery on the MGB...

The battery is located behind the seats.
There's four 1/4 turn fasteners on the metal panel covering the battery location.

The car originally had two 6 Volt batteries in series (to create 12 V).
The previous owner swapped the two batteries for one 12 V battery, so the other battery compartment is empty.
I should remove the redundant battery wire...

Someone also put a piece of Dynamat (noise and vibration damping material) on the bottom of the metal cover.

I charge the battery at 2A (slow charge) over many hours.
This is the most gentle on the battery.


Finished Trimming the two ficus trees in the front of the house...

This was the "in process" where I had trimmed the bottom areas a couple of weeks ago...

Nearly finished trimming.
After this picture, trimmed the left tree some more...

Finished... until next time...

Biking Shoe Repair -- Bodge #2...

The two-part adhesive seems to be working, for now.

After one ride, no separation...