Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Vintage Snap-on Tool Chest -- Cleaning & Repair - Drawers before & after -- Part 2

Top (shallower) drawer

Bottom (deeper) drawer.  The back edge is pretty bent and the front drawer face's top edge has a dent on the LH side, just above the drawer pull.

After taking out the dents and wrinkles (as much as I can) from the two drawers.  The bottom large drawer was worse than the top drawer.  The top shallower drawer was not too badly out of shape to start with.

Simplex front deraileur clamp - before & after

The one in the bottom is before cleaning.  The one at the top is after cleaning.  The material seems to be an aluminum alloy and is somewhat soft (as most cast aluminum tends to be).

Some information I found online...

Mini wood handle screw drivers & Plomb 3/8" speed wrench

I don't know how old these very small screwdrivers are, but they're really well made and beautifully designed...

The speed wrench, after cleaning

The rotating knob was stuck (rusted).  Applied lubricant and now it spins freely.

There were many long scratches/gouges in the socket end of  the speed wrench.  I have no idea how it got that way (can't imagine the use case where this would happen).  I sanded down the gouges so that they're all smooth to the touch.

Paradise Valley Model A Swap Meet -- 9/28/2019 -- the scene - Part 1

It rained a little bit before the swap meet started.  Didn't rain during the swap meet...

Long Beach Motorcycle Swap -- 8/25/19 -- Snap-on 7/8" & 15/16" Box End Wrench -- Part 21

After cleaning