Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021 -- Manhattan Beach Pier & Ballona Creek Bike Path...

The parking lots at the pier were full and there were cars waiting for someone to leave.  It's a tight parking lot so cars just loitering/waiting makes for a mess...

A large tree fell down on the Ballona Creek bike path near home.
No obvious reason why (not windy).
It completely blocked the bike path.  Had to detour around by walking along the concrete creek embankment around the fallen tree.

On my ride back, they were clearing the tree.
Looked like they were nearly done.

Using a large chipper to break down the tree into little pieces.
They were shooting the debris into the area next to the bike path, instead of taking it away.

Pretty good size tree.  Looks like about 20" diameter...


Saturday, June 19, 2021 -- British Car Get Together at the Driving Museum - part 4


Bicycling Heart Rate Data...

A few of the data screens from the Fitbit heart rate monitor...

VO2 Max...


Saturday, June 19, 2021 -- Pelican Parts Cars & Coffee in PV - part 4