Friday, February 19, 2021

Corkboard next to the Work Station...

 Some more stuff added recently...

Trimming the Bougainvillea on the side of the house - part 3

The bougainvillea was already there when we moved in 28 years ago.
Over the years, it has grown to the point that it sticks out from the wall 3 to 4 feet.
Originally, it was pretty much like a vine against the wall but the growth has been up and out from the wall.

The concrete between the cutouts for the bougainvillea planting is 55 inches wide.

This area of the bougainvillea has been trimmed back about 80% of what was there before the trimming started...

There's a pile of wood stalks/branches that need to be cut down smaller and put in the green bin.
The green bin is full so will have to dispose of it over the next several weeks...
There's three places where the vines come out of the ground.
Still need to trim more between the three locations to clear the space between the plants some more...

Nearly 180 degree panorama of the wall with the bougainvillea...


Porsche Boxster (1/87 scale)


Lotus Esprit Book -- Part 4