Thursday, December 3, 2020

Elusive Cat...

Room mate's cat came out of the bedroom maybe a couple of times a day when we were there.
Doesn't get close...
Saunters around slowly then goes back...


Tuesday, December 1, 2020 -- Manhattan Beach Pier -- Fast Ride...

Averaged 19.62 MPH today.
My average is 18.71, so quite a bit faster.
Getting close to averaging 20 MPH for 20 miles.
Don't know if I'll get there...

Spent 42% of the time at 20 MPH or faster...

It's a perfect weather day.
Sunny, not too windy and mild temperature.
According to the forecast, it should stay that way for awhile...


mini thermoelectric fridge...

Received this as a gift, many years ago.
Still have not used it.
12V powered.
Thought about using it on the drive up north to the Bay area but there wasn't enough space in the car.
Will still have to wait to try it out one of these days on a driving trip...


Honda Campus in the early evening -- Pretty empty, especially because of COVID...