Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Long Beach Swap Meet -- Sunday, July 14, 2019 -- Gold's Gym 5 lb. Weight & CRAGAR wheel center cap -- Part 2

Mooneyes Open House -- Saturday, July 13, 2019 -- Part 2 of 6

Volvo 122 (Amazon) wagon with a Buick V6 transplant.  Fits with tons of room...

The shop where they make some of the stuff that they sell is open for perusing.  This is the best part of this open house. 

Mavic Aksium Front Wheel -- After Initial Cleaning

All the flat blade spokes are very corroded.  As if the wheel was ridden through salt water and was not cleaned afterwards...  Using steel wool, I'm in the process of cleaning each spoke.  It's a very tedious process.  After cleaning off the corrosion, I may have to paint the spokes (another tedious process).  Maybe I can avoid having to paint them by using some sort of rub-on treatment chemical...