Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Seat post modified and installed on the Teledyne (and some top tube cable housing holders)

Had to cut down the seat post (make it shorter).  Then had to sand down the diameter so that it would slip down the tube smoothly.  I don't know if the seat post tube on the bike is slightly out of round or the seat post was just too large a diameter.   After sanding, it installed nice and smoothly and down far enough for me to be able to ride this larger frame (seat post has to be pushed down pretty far).

Also installed these steel cable holders to the top tube.  There was a "stain" or shadow where there used to some clamps before someone stripped this bike down.  Bought these at the last Whittier bicycle swap meet.  They fit pretty much perfectly.

Bicycle Seat Post for Teledyne

Bought this 26.8 mm diameter seat post (the most common size is 27.2 mm, which I have a couple of but the Teledyne uses 26.8 mm).

The seat post is too long.  The frame is too big for me so the seat post only needs to stick out a couple of inches from the seat tube.  With about 4 inches of overlap needed, about six inches from the bottom of this post can be cut off.  I used a metal cutting chop saw to shorten in.

The seat post does not slide down the seat tube smoothly.  It's quite a tight fit and wants to bind.  I'll have to take a little bit off the outside of the seat post so that it's not so tight.
Cut off about five inches from the bottom.

The seat post has fairly large machining ridges on it.  If I sand down the ridges, it should be just the right size for the seat tube.

Jaguar XK120 Grill Surround (Before & After Cleaning) -- missing all it's teeth...

The surface was very tarnished before cleaning.

Even without the teeth, it's a pretty recognizable shape.

Should look like this (image found online)...

Long Beach Model T Club Swap Meet -- Saturday July 21, 2018 -- Bought a Pile of Brochures -- 65