Monday, August 3, 2015

Manhattan Beach Pier - July 24, 2015 (Fri)

1941 and 2924 California License Plates

These Plates are very large (larger than today's plates) and have very rounded corners.

Should have white letters with a white raised border...  In some of the years in the 20's, the CAL and year were located in the center of the plate.  1929 appears to be the first year that letters were used in the plate #.

The plate was painted black first, then the green, then the white letters and raised section...

Picture from the internet showing what a new condition plate would look like...

Superior Steering Wheel, Veglia Motorcycle Gauge (?), Edsel Ashtray & Indian Scout Bicycle Badge

Possibly from a 1970's Bultaco Motorcycle...

Edsel Logo.  Very nice pattern on the metal surface...  Must have been a lot of work to put the pattern into the tooling in the days before CNC...

In the early part of the 20th century, Indian started as a bicycle manufacturer (Springfield, MA) and evolved into manufacturing motorcycles.  Indian Motorcycle Company was struggling post WWII.  As part of an effort to generate revenue, Indian sold bicycles, one of which was named the Indian Scout (late 40's/early 50's).  The bicycles were made in England for Indian (by Phillips bicycle company).  Indian also imported British motorcycles and sold them through Indian dealers (both with original manufacturer logos or with Indian logos/names).  Ultimately, the company failed and had many owners/attempts to revive the brand which were not successful until recently when Polaris bought the brand...

Marina Del Rey - July 23, 2015 (Thurs)