Friday, March 15, 2019

Steering Wheel From the Long Beach Car Swap Meet - February 10, 2019 (before and after cleaning)

When I bought this, I thought it might be an aftermarket wheel from the '70s or '80s.  I didn't recognize the wheel as any OEM ones that I can recall and the graphic on the horn button didn't look familiar.

Started by cleaning the dirt off the wheel

The back of the horn button has the Ford logo on it, so it must have been an OEM wheel.  Maybe it's from the Mustang II or the FOX body Mustang?

With some elbow grease, it cleaned up pretty nice.

Fein Sander/Cutter -- Bought used... (after cleaning)

The tool body and the cord had a lot of dirt and white paint splatter on it.  Use a sharp blade to clean the paint off the tool.  Pretty much left the paint on the cord because it's easy to damage the insulation in the process of trying to remove the paint.  Just cleaned the cord...

Installed the abrasive attachment on the tool.  Plugged it in and tested it's function and it appears to be working fine.  This is a vibration tool (not rotating).  There's a dial towards the rear of the tool for adjusting the vibration speed.

The Allen key for exchanging the attachment was missing.  Replaced it (5 mm size).

Tange bike - part 10 (Brake Levers, Upper half of the headset, seat post clamp bolt & seat post assembly (all need cleaning; don't know if some of this stuff will clean up enough to reuse...))