Thursday, May 21, 2020

Garage Organizing - part 21 - Stuff on the table saw needing homes & the current state of the garage...

Stuff on the table saw...  All needs to move...

LH end of the table saw top

the rest of the table saw top...

The upper tool box will find a different place to live...

The two tool boxes in the middle will find different homes...

general state on and around the table saw (on wheels)...  Will change some...

LH side of the garage with the book cases.  This area will change some too...

Thinking of shifting the band saw & flat file island over to the right a few inches and moving the rolling book shelf unit away from the book case doors...

In progress...

Thursday, May 14, 2020 -- Marina Del Rey

School of Pelicans on the Ballona Creek side of the channel. 

Pretty big dual hull sail boat.

Even bigger boat.  The hydro-foil one person sail boat was zipping up and down the Marina Del Rey Channel (the coast guard has previously told him not to "sail" in the in/out channel...  I guess if they're not around...)

Nice design...

Garage Organizing - part 20 - Finding some homes...

This Bosch tool box holds a couple of Milwaukee sawzalls and a large nail gun.  The space above it is enough for one of the large clear plastic bins...

Found homes for the dual-saw & the smaller nail guns.  The red tool box (at the bottom of the picture) is here for now, but is one of the things that I will probably not keep...

Pretty compact in this right rear area of the garage (pretty much utilized all the available space)...

Pretty much everything in this picture need new homes (the goal is to have empty horizontal surfaces)...

Some stuff is going to end up staying in the larger clear plastic bins for now.  Just not enough storage space for all the stuff...

The drawers of the tool cart are full of 1/43 scale models. (there's a grinder/ steel wheel behind the cut-off saw on the top of the cart - can't see it in this picture)