Sunday, June 2, 2019

Porsche 911 Speedometer (early gauge with the silver needle center button) -- Before & After Trim Ring Repair

Someone dropped this gauge (right lower corner) and bent the trim ring pretty badly.  Also, the trim ring has been pried apart before.  See the next several pictures showing the bent edges all around the trim ring...

Using the tip of the pliers, I gently bend open the already damaged edges of the trim ring and was able to get the ring off from the gauge body.

Then the glass came out.

The ring at the top right is another trim piece that sits inside the gauge and holds the glass in place.

I cleaned the gauge face, glass and the glass retaining trim ring and placed them back in place.

The outer trim ring is actually made of two pieces.  An inner right (on the left) and an outer ring.  Both are pretty bent and damaged.

Using a small hammer and some round shaped metal, I got the shape to be about the right place.

Besides being dented and out of round, there's several places of localized dents and dings and rust.

Got the shapes to be about right and about round.  The inner piece has been placed back inside the outer piece.
Wire wheels off the rust...

Sprayed on some wrinkle finish paint...

After drying, looks pretty nice.  The wrinkle finish paint hides minor issues.

This area was left folded over (original condition).  It didn't need to be folded back to get the trim ring off.

On the opposite side, the edge was gently bent enough so that the trim ring can't come off.  Should bend the edges over all around, but will leave it the way it is for now.

Put the rubber gasket back on the body of the gauge.  Overall, it looks very presentable.  Done for now.

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