Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Garage Organizing - part 58 -- The back counter was clear but...

In order to move the Lancia dash where I wanted it, I had to move all the stuff that was waiting on the tall flat file.  Most of it ended up temporarily on the back counter.  It was nice while it was clear...

It's getting to the point that stuff is just moving from one place to another, without really getting put away...

Valve covers on top of the tool box bases for now...

More stuff needing to move (can't stay on the floor...)

The area around the band saw.  Needs better organization...

stuff needing to find homes.  Can't stay like this...

I may end up placing some of the smaller chairs in this aisle space...

looking from the back of the garage to the front doors...

Monday, June 8, 2020 -- Manhattan Beach Pier - Hot today (mid-80s)

Garage Organizing - part 56 -- Snap-on drawers

The bottom drawer holds torque wrenches.  I need to put a label on the drawer...

The upper drawer is random stuff storage.  After this picture, I found space in the gray flat file for about a third of what's in this drawer.  What limits the transfer is that the gray flat file drawers are shallower than this drawer...  
Ultimately, I would like to move everything out and put tools in this drawer...