Saturday, June 6, 2020

Tuesday, June 2, 2020 -- Manhattan Beach Pier Protest & New coffee maker

This was the scene when I got to the Pier at lunch time... 

I could hear people making speeches and the group intermittently cheering...

It's hard to see but there's a police boat near the pier with lights flashing.  I didn't hang around too long.  Rode back home without incident.  If anything the bike path was nearly empty because the protest blocked it for people coming north on the path...

We got a new coffee maker (the french press worked well but the cleanup is more involved).  It has a feature to set it all up and have it start at a certain time.  It works well.  It's larger than our last one that I broke but it seems like they don't make simple/basic/small units anymore.

Normally, our coffee maker would get used occasionally on the weekends, but in the last two and a half months, coffee is being made every morning...

Garage Organizing - part 49 -- Moved some more stuff from the top of the table-saw...

Moved more stuff from the top of the table saw.  Now about 75% cleared.  Did a quick clean of the cast iron part that's exposed...

Stuff went from on top of the table saw to below the table saw (there's a built-in shelf).

It's useful storage space under the table saw, but the tool boxes that "live" in front of the table saw makes access not ideal...

Have to move the red tool box to access the stuff behind it...  Not the worst solution, for now.

Monday, June 1, 2020 -- Manhattan Beach Pier

Parking at the beach is closed again...

Pretty empty (looking south...)

A few people on the beach...

Looks like reasonable social distancing...

Garage Organizing - part 48 -- Kennedy tool box on the LH side of the chop-saw...

Cleaned the table saw extension table, the white portion, with some chemical cleaners and some abrasive pads (there were a few stubborn stains).  Came out looking pretty good.

Stuff temporarily "resting" until a home is found...

Still a lot of stuff that need to find homes... 

It's getting better but need to get more stuff off the ground.  I may get rid of the large trash can & get a much smaller trash can with a smaller footprint...