Tuesday, July 23, 2019

One of the Boyd's wheel center caps -- before and after some steel wool in just a section of cap


After (not a dramatic difference)

Mavic Aksium Race wheel -- In the process of cleaning corrosion on the spokes... About half way there.

The pictures below shows one of the spokes that has been sanded and steel-wooled.  This spoke was cleaned more than the others to see what it would look like with a lot of sanding & cleaning...  This was too much work.  I don't plan to clean the spokes to this extent.  There are twenty spokes and two flat sides for 70 surfaces to clean.  It would take a very long time to clean all the spokes to be this clean and shiny.  I plan to make all the spokes black (paint) so it doesn't matter too much.

Long Beach Swap Meet -- Sunday, July 14, 2019 -- Road & Track Magazines -- Part 7