Monday, January 11, 2021

Dining table bench - part 10 -- Finish the butterfly & sand some more...

Will first plane down the butterfly closer to the board.

After the plane, will use the random orbital sander to sand down the butterfly and take care of some extra plane marks.
Also, there's a section of the board where the wood is "burnt" from the last sanding.

The butterfly is about 0.5 mm over-flush.
The purple wood is very hard and sanding it down, even the small amount, will take quite a bit of time.

Random Orbital Sander.

After sanding with an aggressive pad.
Will sand with finer paper later.


Friday, January 1, 2021 -- Manhattan Beach Pier -- New Year's Day


Thursday, December 31, 2020 -- Butterfly Trail, Simi Valley -- Part 4


Saturday, January 2, 2021 -- Swapping chains on the bike...

I've had the Ultegra chain soaking in the cleaner for quite a few days...

The chain looks pretty clean...

Used the repair stand to make the chain swap easier.

The DLC chain has a lot of sand on it.
Took off the chain and put it in the same cleaning solution jar to soak for awhile.
Used compressed air to blow off the sand from the derailleur & gears.
Installed the cleaned chain and applied "dry" lube on it.
The bike is ready to go again.