Saturday, October 24, 2020

Old & Rough Tool Case - part 17 -- Vacuuming & Cleaning the Drawer Fronts -- Middle Full Width Drawer

Before vacuuming.  The felt is is pretty rough shape, especially in the RH front side...

Close up view before vacuuming

After vacuuming

Something pretty heavy & rough must have been stored in this spot...

Before cleaning the drawer front...

Closer view of the RH knob/pull before cleaning

LH side of the drawer before cleaning

Closer view of the LH side knob before cleaning


After cleaning and the drawer put back in the case; RH side of the drawer

LH side of the drawer after cleaning


LH side of the drawer

RH side of the drawer

Drawer after cleaning, showing the bottom

The knobs screw out

The escutcheon is a thin stamped piece of sheet steel

The edge of the escutcheon leaves an impression in the wood

The knob appears to be made of three pieces:  The screw, a shaft center section & the cap piece on top.

For now, I've decided to not remove all the knobs.
I could remove them and clean them individually, especially if I wanted to get them to be very shiny.
But, since I'm going for a cleaned but used look, just cleaning with them in place results in a more used & worn look.

Thursday, October 15, 2020 -- Sunset... Picture doesn't capture the orange...


1995 Lexus Coupe Brochure


Phil & Enzo - part 25