Tuesday, September 24, 2019

VW Treffen - 9/15/2019 - part 5 & Last

Inner Tubes & Tires purchased from the same guy as the Craftsman toolbox...

Two different sized...  One is 27x1.1/4 & the other is 700c (different diameters)

Kowa tool cart with some tools...

Ambrosio 19 Extra AERO dynamic -- These are the wheels that came on the Miele bike that I'm taking the parts off of to put on the Schwinn Paramount...

I recently got one tire in a group of parts (basically for free).  It's an old Michelin Elan TS Road bike tire (from the '80s?) - 700x25C.  Too bad I only have one.  The tires are not going to match!  Would be nice to find a matching one for the rear wheel...

Vintage Schwinn Exercise Bike Timer (Clockwork)

This timer is about the size of an automotive gauge and is made almost like one.

After cleaning

Superior Performance Products - the "500" aftermarket small diameter foam grip steering wheel

This is a very small steering wheel.  Maybe about 12 inches diameter.

Don't know what steering column shaft uses a tapered square interface like this...  The only thing I found online is for a boat steering system (rack & pinion) that moves a cable to the rudder/outboard.  

After initial cleaning and hand assembling the hub to the wheel...

After final cleaning
There were some silver colored "stains" on the foam grip.  Using some cleaner & some elbow grease, the discoloration came out and now the wheel's rim appearance is even.
Missing one of the bolts.  It's SAE thread/size.  Need to find a replacement.  Also, don't know what style of center cap works with this retainer, but what I've seen in the past is a simple chrome metal cover...