Monday, October 19, 2020

Old & Rough Tool Case - part 12 -- Cleaning the top of the case (about 1/2 way through)

With the front lid installed & closed, Started cleaning the top of the case.
I don't have a key for the lock so the front lid won't stay in this closed position.  If the case gets tilted, the front lid will swing down...

The fit of the front lid to the case is actually pretty good.

I'm using 409 household cleaner.  Again, amazing amount of dirt on the leatherette...

This is after a lot of wiping with the shop towel...

Started moving across the case...

These initials were completely not visible until the dirt was cleaned.  It was surprising to see these initials appear.  A little bit like magic...
JMR was born in 1900.  If this case was made in 1928 (which is possible due to the design & features on this case), then JMR may have been in his very late 20's when he acquired this case.
JMR passed away in 1979.
As I use this case to store stuff in the future, I'll always think of JMR, even though I've never met him...


Monday, October 12, 2020 -- Manhattan Beach Pier & Dockweiler Beach Parking Area

A few people at the pier but nothing like it was on Saturday...

It's a very nice day at the beach (low 70's).

This is the parking lot at Dockweiler beach where I usually cut across from the bike path to the parking lot service road.
Some people apparently spent a lot of money on some tires...

This is where I usually ride up and turn left to go along the parking service road.  The construction is ongoing on the road above the bluffs... 

1995 Acura Model Line Brochure


Phil & Enzo - part 20