Friday, June 17, 2016

Long Beach Swap Meet -- June 12, 2016 (Sunday)

26 Ferrari related magazines...  The guy who sold these to me said that they are from the personal collection of Johnny Von Newman, who was the west coast distributor for Porsche when they first started selling cars in the USA in the 50's...  He said that when Johnny passed away, the person who handled the estate gave him a bunch of left over junk, among which were these magazines.  A few sample issues below...


The Supra badge is very nicely made and made of metal.  The BMW badges are all made of plastic.  The Lincoln LSC badge from the 80's is made of metal an very heavy... (feels very high quality).

Don't know what this dirty gauge cluster is from...  Guessing BMW 2002 (will have to research).  Needs to be cleaned...

This vintage Mallory coil will go with the vintage Mallory distributor that I already have...  Not that they'll be going on a car...

New sprint car style quick release steering wheel.  The wheel is made by Schroeder but the quick release hub is made by Sweet Manufacturing...

New empty leather Winchester shotgun case.  Amazing attention to detail...

Whittier Bicycle Swap Meet -- June 11, 2016 (Saturday)

Only bought one thing, these handle bars.  They're chrome-moly and beautifully welded.  The bars were clear coated, instead of being painted to show the color in the metal from the welding (like a work of art...).  They could be used on a BMX or Cruiser or just a standard bike.  Although they're made out of steel, they're very light (thin-wall tubing).

Manhattan Beach Pier -- May 29, 2016 (Sunday)