Friday, September 27, 2019

U.S. Syncrogear - promotional ceramic ashtray -- Based on the company's history, probably from the 1930s

After cleaning

Three recent issues of Jampot (club magazine for the AJS & Matchless motorcycle club in Britain)

Flat Files -- Need to put some casters on them and stack a couple together... Would end up being the right height to be a work surface.

There's a good place to mount some casters in each corner...

Found these for sale online on Amazon.  Quite the price!

These are the dimensions

Long Beach Motorcycle Swap -- 8/25/19 -- Isle of Man related trinkets -- Part 19

Andersen Plywood Tool Swap Meet -- Saturday, August 17, 2019 - Proto (Los Angeles) 1&1/4" Combination Wrench -- Part 3

After cleaning

Glendale Toy Show -- Saturday, August 17, 2019 -- Dinky Jaguar (100 SS) -- Part 27

After cleaning