Monday, May 17, 2021

Washing Machine Broke. - Whirlpool Duet Front Loading -- Part 3 (fixed)

The new MCU is completely different than the old one.  The electronics are different and even the case design is different.

But, all the “touch points” (connectors, mounting hardware, etc.) are the same so it installed easily.

How it came out of the box...

This little tab was broken in the box that it came in.  The packaging was not the best.

When installed in the washing machine, this tab doesn’t do much (looks like a spacer to keep the MCU from getting too close to the side of the machine) so I decided to use it as is (returning would be a pain!).

Had to pry this clip out of the old MCU.

Used a new zip tie of the same size to reuse the base.

This hole is where the clip goes.

After installing and tying down the harness the same way as the original routing/slack.

Used a new zip tie of the same size to reuse the base.

This flap at the top is a water deflector and is attached to the side of the machine with an adhesive pad.

The same connectors but the board that the connectors go into is completely different.

The very bottom connector is the communication lines and the new MCU has a built-in connector retaining clip system (the brown plastic around the connector).

It’s a very good thing that the retaining system is there because the old MCU had a completely different system and the retainers broke when I removed the connector!

I was wondering how I was going to jury-rig a retaining clip but I didn’t have to!

There’s a plastic flap (with a living hinge) that covers the connectors that just clips into place.

MCU installation finished.  Pretty much exactly as the original in almost every way.

I put the diagnostic information back where I found it (I put it in a Ziploc bag first to keep moisture out).

Took some pictures for other components in the bottom of the machine for future reference.  (motor and connectors in this picture).

There's a massive heavy looking weight mounted to the bottom of the tub assembly.
There's also four shock absorbers damping the tub motion/vibration.

This appears to be an "interlock" switch to tell the CCU that the lower cover is off.

Cleaned the lower cover before reinstalling.

Put the lower cover back on.   Finished.


Thursday, May 13, 2021 -- Manhattan Beach Pier -- Overcast & WIndy!


Shelby American -- Part 13