Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Fixing School Blinds... and other repairs in CM's friend Kimi's 4th grade classroom in preparation for the next school year...

This is how it should be (metal hook and a plastic sleeve to keep the metal hook in place).
One of the blinds is missing both pieces.
Will find some stuff in the garage to make a hook & sleeve...

The metal hook wire thickness is about 0.075" (a little bit over 1/16").  Need to find some wire in the garage about 1/16" thick that I can shape into the hook...

The plastic rotating shaft is about 0.21" thick.
Need a short piece of tubing that has an ID of a little over 0.21"...

After repair.
Bent an appropriate steel wire to the right shape.
To make the plastic sleeve, A plastic pen body was cut to size.

Worked out well.
The blinds work now.

The rod was missing.
Home Depot had it...

This drawer was very noisy when opening/closing.
Turns out that the roller drawer guides were loose.
The screws were loose.

Replaced the original screws with longer screws to gain a strong clamping force.  Also lubricated the tracks and rollers.
Worked out well.

No more screeching/squeaking when opening/closing...

This door under the sink doesn't fit.
The vertical panel on the right that the door is hung on is water damaged and is coming apart at the bottom, causing the ill-fitting door.

Someone had tried to repair with a couple of screws and a piece of steel.  Didn't work...

I installed a wooden block on the inside of the cabinet and replaced this metal piece with two other metal brackets.
The new brackets were screwed into the block installed inside the cabinet, thus drawing the bottom of the side panel inwards.

By pulling the bottom inwards, the door was made to fit correctly.
It's a bit of a "bodge" but should last for quite a long time...
(didn't take any "after" pictures...)

Didn't take pictures, but also repaired a rolling metal book case with a loose shelf and lubricated a door between two rooms that was squeaking...  Done for now.


Saturday, June 26, 2021 -- Donut Derelicts - Huntington Beach -- Part 2


1987, 1988, 1989 & 1991 Prelude Brochures


Saturday, June 26, 2021 -- Packard Show & Swap -- Hyatt Regency Newport Beach -- Part 2

Very small swap meet.
Maybe 7 or 8 sellers...

Bought the books from the seller on the right.

The seller on the left had lots of nice & interesting Packard stuff but very expensive!

Have never seen a "FOOTOMETER" before...