Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Bike Ride with the Kids -- Saturday, August 8, 2020 (Saturday)

Rode to the hang glider spot with the kids, mid-day Saturday.
Bike path was busy but not too bad.

Ballona Creek Trail heading to the ocean (4.5 miles from home)
The bike path is on the right (through the sand).  For about a mile, there's a car road for parking along this stretch that's much wider and much less used than the bike path.

Went down the ramp to the sand at the hang glider spot & took a break before riding back home.

S is going to take her bike, a Silca bike pump & a set of spare wheels with gravel tires back up to the Bay...
Ballona Creek Trail heading back home

Emptied a couple of the drawers in he Matco tool box into storage bins...

Long Beach Car Swap Meet -- Sunday, March 8, 2020 -- Came in a box of VW special tools - very large socket for special "nut" -- BEFORE cleaning