Sunday, May 24, 2020

Garage Organizing - part 27 - Prepping a couple of crates for the middle lower cabinet

Taking pictures of what's going in the two crates.  This is the smaller crate.  I'll never remember...

914 interior door handle, MGB wiring, MGB bumper guards, etc.

Heat shielding material, wire loom protector & an old Buick clock/speaker combo...
Brass carburetor & motorcycle gauges.  

The two crates as they go into the cabinet.  The crate on the right side is full of an old Rolls Royce transmission internals (gears, bearings, etc.).  My guess is that the transmission is from late 1920s or 1930s...

A long time ago, I went to a swap meet and saw this crate full of stuff.  Inside the crate was a small cast cover with Rolls Royce cast into it.  The cover was made of aluminum and had a crack in it but I thought it was old, cool and would make a nice display piece.

  I asked how much he wanted for the cover. and he said he's selling the whole crate full of parts together & the cover went with it.  I asked if he would sell just the cover & he said no, emphatically.  So, I asked him what he wanted for the whole crate & I think he said $20.

I tried to convince him to sell me just the cover but he wouldn't budge.  I offered him $20 for just the cover & he said that if I want to take just the cover, he wants $40...  He really didn't want to take the crate back home.

I counter offered him $10 to take the whole crate.  A little bit of the same game...  Surprisingly, he accepted!  So, I bought the whole crate & kinda figured that I might just trash the rest of the stuff in the crate when I got it home.  Well, I couldn't do it.  Although the internals all have some surface rust on them, overall they look to be in pretty good condition.  I ended up with the same stone around my neck as the guy I bought the stuff from...

Sunday, May 17, 2020 -- Marina Del Rey -- There's rain coming tomorrow... Some big waves...

The forecast is calling for rain tomorrow.  Today, it's clear and sunny but the surf is up.  The waves are making its way around the breakwater and into the Ballona Creek channel...

I had a close call on the bike path.  In a relatively empty section of the path, someone on a rented electric scooter stopped on the bike path and crossed the path to a rest/park area, just as I was passing (crossing both lanes of the bike path).  I made a glancing but substantial contact with the person/scooter and nearly crashed.  

For a split second, it was looking very bad since the impact caused me to head towards a low rock wall!  I had about two feet of space between the impact point and the rick wall.  But, somehow I didn't fall and was able to stop without crashing  into the rock wall or on the ground.  It seems almost an impossibility that I didn't crash!

  Incredibly fortunate "save."  My phone flew off it's holder on the handlebar and hit the ground but wasn't damaged (it landed on the phone case side instead of the display side) .  The chain came off the big chainring from the impact but otherwise, nothing else was disturbed.  

I put the phone and the chain back on and completed the ride without further incident.  It could have been a very bad crash but I was very fortunate this time (a couple of years ago, I wasn't so fortunate...  ambulance ride, UCLA emergency room, CAT scan...  the brain was no more damaged than usual, just a mild concussion from my head [in a helmet] hitting the blacktop...  the helmet cracked in several places...).

On the weekends, the Ballona Creek bike path is very crowded with people with many not paying attention to other people around them.  Since there's such limited "open" outdoor places right now, the Creek trail has been more crowded than ever (at least double the usual traffic if not more...)  

It's not too surprising that people are not aware of the issues that they may be causing by not paying attention to their surroundings.  It calls for extra care around such times/situations...

Garage Organizing - part 26 - Moving stuff under the flat file, stainless steel upper cabinets & skateboards

A lot of the stuff in this aisle space was able to be moved under the flat file on the left of this picture (there's about 3 to 4 inches of space under it).

After the band saw was moved over a few inches, there's still a good amount of space between it and the flat file on the right...

The stuff on the floor and on top of the light gray cabinet need to find homes...

Rearranging stuff in the stainless steel upper cabinets (on the RH side wall of the garage).

Moved the three skateboards onto these large hooks on the rafters.  A little hard to get to but not too bad...