Thursday, October 22, 2020
Old & Rough Tool Case - part 15 -- Vacuuming & Cleaning the Drawer Fronts -- Second to the Top Right Drawer
Before vacuuming...
After vacuuming...
Before cleaning
Before cleaning
Before cleaning
Before cleaning
Showing the full bottom of the drawer...
This one marked "28-2"
Guessing that the "2" goes above the "3".
I swapped the top two RH drawers.
In the cleaning process.
Got tired of using the kitchen scrubbing sponge for the knobs.
I used the scrubber on the wood but swapped to using a blade to scrape off the dirt/rust on the top of the knobs. It works well but you have to careful not to cut into the metal.
This picture shows the knob top cleaning, mid-process...
After cleaning...
After cleaning
Drawer being put back in the case...
Now the three half width drawers are done cleaning.
Also cleaned the vertical drawer guide holding piece between the half drawers so that the level of clean matches the drawers.
What's neat is that they but the "bead" feature on this piece also, so that the feature runs through the LH & RH half drawers.
Nice detail touch...
The screw at the top of this picture is the front lid stop so that it's positioned correctly to align with the catch portion of the latch and to ensure that the front lid ends up being flush with the case when it's in the closed position.
Since it's a screw, it's easily adjustable.
Close-up of the RH knobs, showing the before and after, as compared to the full width drawers below that have not been cleaned yet...
LH knob contrast...
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