Monday, May 11, 2020

Marina Del Rey -- Sunday, May 3, 2020 -- went with S

The bike path was pretty busy.  As usual, it was very windy riding out to the beach.  I rode in front to block the wind.  On the way back, it's a nice tailwind.  We averaged over 15 mph on the ride.  

The water is so red.  It was near clear a few weeks ago...

Garage Organizing - part 2

The power outlets (120 & 220) are going to end up behind the Kennedy Tool Box Base cabinets.  Part of the compromise to be able to utilize the back of the flat files for storage...

This tall & narrow book case can move a little more away from the wall because the garage door behind it is the one that's used the least and doesn't really need to be accessible.

I think I'm going to rotate this book case so that it's up against the unfinished wall.  It's low enough that it won't interfere with the light switches.

The small blue open storage next to the window can be moved up to create more space under it for a tool box.  Also, the stuff on top of the corner storage cabinet can be better organized.

It won't stay this way, but it's really nice to have a completely empty horizontal surface!

The batter chargers will be stored on top of one of the Kennedy tool box bases, so that they'll still be somewhat accessible.