Thursday, June 16, 2016

Airplane Windows..

Bought two airplane windows.  One is kinda trapezoid shape and the other one is closer to a rectangular shape.  They're made of glass an very thick (about 3/4 in) & heavy.  There's markings on the edge of the glass indicating that they were made in 1964.  There's several markings that look like part numbers, lot number and possibly inspection confirmations.  Don't know what plane it's from...  Will be tough to figure out...

Green Hills...

T-Bird Hood Vent & Snap-on ratcheting wrench (3/8" & 7/16")

Bought this at a Model-A club swap meet a few weeks back (with many other items from the same seller).  This is kind-of an iconic design piece from the 1955 Thunderbird...  Below are a few pictures from the net...

Bought at the TRW electronics Swap Meet (near LAX).  Forgot to take the "before" picture.  One of the ratcheting ends wasn't working.  Some cleaning and lubricating made it work...

Marina Del Rey -- May 26, 2016 (Thursday)