Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Long Beach Car Swap Meet -- Sunday, May 12, 2019 -- Cars in the Lot

Hudson Pickup

Whittier Bicycle Swap Meet -- Saturday, May 11, 2019 -- White Sele Italia Seat

Bought this used seat.  It seems to be in good condition but just dirty.

 After Cleaning

Installed on the Colnago...

Will swap out the yellow striped tires for some white striped ones.  Just ordered the tires...

AC gauge -- before & after cleaning - Part 1

The trim is bent over the edge of the gauge housing in several places.

There's felt material in the hole that the trip meter adjuster goes through the housing.

Out of focus picture but you can see the plastic window for lighting the gauge from the side.

carefully bent all the crimps back using pliers...

About 1/2 way through cleaning the face...  The green tint is from corrosion...

(3) Colnago Teknos -- Removing the seat and the seat post

The seat is torn in several places (looks like mostly from crash damage)

The clamping hardware has some pretty heavy aluminum corrosion.  Also, the seat post is pushed way down into the seat post.

Removed the seat post bolt.  The seat post is very tight in the seat post & will not come out with normal hand power.  Used a plastic dead-blow hammer to gently tap the post out.  Used many small hits (low power) to very slowly bring the post out.  It took about 5 minutes but it came out without any damage.

The seat tube is wet with some sort of dirty oil.  I'm guessing someone had to use oil to install the seat post because it's so tight.  I wonder if the seat post is too large for the seat tube... 

This bike has many places with Colnago cloverleaf and other identifying features, like at the top of the seat stays...

There was a lot of black grease/dirt at the seat post clamp bolt area