Friday, December 4, 2015

Jim Clark Biography - by the Arco Press

This is a nice size book (written & published not too long after Clark died in 1968...).  Looking forward to reading it.

There's a small section of photographs in the middle of the book.

Long Beach Swap Meet -- November 29, 2015 (Sunday) -- was very lightly attended (just the helmet was bought there...)

This Simpson racing helmet came in a box labeled "Craig T. Nelson."  Supposedly, he used this during the 1994 Long Beach Grand Prix Toyota Celebrity Race.  It's condition is pretty much like new.  Reminds me of the helmets that the CHiPs wear/wore.

These type setter's letter drawers (3 of them) will be put inside of the flat file drawers to hold smaller objects.  That was the thought when I bought them...  Could be used for other creative ideas...

New Old Stock (NOS) skateboard accessory from the late 70's/early 80's.  Tried to put it on the Dog Town skateboard but it's too wide...

Manhattan Beach Pier -- November 29, 2015 (Sunday)

Another Clear Day -- View of Catalina Island...