Sunday, February 28, 2021

Propane Torch...

Went to the local hardware store and bought a bottle of propane.
Attached the old torch on it.

It doesn't self light, like newer torches but it works fine.
The flame size/strength can be adjusted with the knob.

Can get it down to a pretty small/narrow flame.
Will use this to get the air bubbles out of the epoxy...


Shadow -- Part 7


Mixed up some epoxy...

Used a small glass jar to mix a small amount of epoxy for a test.
Placed a small amount of the mica color powder in the jar first.
This was a mistake.
Next time, I'll first put the epoxy in the container and slowly add small amounts of the mica to get it to the desired color/tint.

Added the epoxy.
It's a 1 to 1 mix with the catalyst.

Thoroughly mixed with a stick.

Used this depression in an axe to test the epoxy.

The epoxy settles after a few minutes.
It's self leveling.
The consistency of the epoxy is on the more fluid side so it moves and settles slowly.

The working time is pretty long (at least 30 minutes).
The full setting time is 3 days.


Lotus Esprit Book -- Part 13