The backs of all the drawers are numbered by hand.
Some neat hand writing...
Model O-52. Made in 1989. I'm guessing B-119 is kind of like a serial number...
All the drawers before applying Danish oil.
The front lid's inner side wood will also get the Danish oil treatment.
There's a piece of felt like material at the back of the case where the smaller drawers go in. I'm guessing to act as a cushion and a stop.
You can also see that there's a small glue bock to structurally reinforce the joint between the back of the case and the base of the top storage.
The spring loaded ball in this picture is to hold the front lid in the closed position (even without the locking pins engaged).
Debris inside the case... Not too bad. Just vacuumed it all out.
After vacuuming.
You can also see the round felt pad for the front lid to rest on when it's open and fully slid back in the stored position.
After applying the Danish oil. Will let it sit about 30 minutes then wipe them down before putting them back in the case.
Applied the oil to the front lid inner surfaces...
Also applied oil to the fixes structure inside the case that's visible from the front, including the sides of the case that's visible.
After wiping everything down, reinstalled all the drawers.
In a day or two, the oil will be pretty much dry to the touch.
At some point, I may replace the green felt in the front lid but for now it's perfectly serviceable.
Done for now...