Cleared away some of the stuff in the way of using the band saw.
Connected the vacuum hose to the dust port also...
Cutting the basic shape and leaving the line so that I can sand to the final shape.
Rough cutting close to shape.
Put the sanding station on top of the table saw.
Connected the vacuum to the dust port on the sanding station.
Before sanding.
The sides are pretty rough from the band saw.
Can still see the pencil lines on the top.
Sanded the sides down to the pencil lines and also sanded the top and bottom.
The other edge...
This is the "bottom" of the butterfly.
It's a little rough but it's fine for gluing into the board...
Approximate location of the butterfly...
Will next use a router to rough out the shape of the butterfly on the board.
Marked the orientation of the butterfly (it's not perfectly symmetrical so don't want to mix up the orientation).