Friday, May 17, 2019

Nishiki Bicycle -- Replacing the seat & cleaning the seat post & post locking bolt -- Part 3

Replaced the torn seat with a more recent one in good condition.  The white seat matches the white bar tape.   

Took some pictures of some of the components on this mostly Japanese bike.  The derailleurs (Nuovo Record) and the wheel hubs (Record) are Campagnolo (Italy) and are top of the line.

Took off this old black water bottle cage.  Will replace it with something that better matches the bike colors and more modern.

Also took off these clip style pedals (Shimano 600).  These are very heavy.  Will install some modern light clipless pedals.


IH (International Harvester) 1 & 5/16" Wrench -- Before & After Cleaning

Lufkin Medium Size Square -- Before & After Cleaning

After Cleaning:

(5) Long Beach Motorcycle Swap Meet -- Sunday, April 28, 2019 -- SAKAE handle bar and related hardware (DIA-COMPE & SunTour) off of an old Japanese Bicycle (with bar-end shifters)