Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024 - Kauai - Mahaulepu Beach

This beach is near the Makauwahi cave.
The hike to the cave and beach is about 1/3 mile.
Heading back to the car along the hiking trail.

The trail goes by this small patch of sand/beach.
Pretty steep in parts (good thing it didn't rain, otherwise it could be a muddy mess).
To drive to where we parked the car, you have to go through a stretch of a pretty rough dirt road.
Went at crawling speed for about 1/2 mile.
The car made it just fine (again, it would be a different story if it was wet).
There's a pretty big rock under the driver's side rocket panel where I parke dthe car.
There was about an inch of clearance though.
I didn't hit anything on the drive in and out.
Had to carefully choose your lines though.


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