Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Sunday, May 29, 2022 -- Long Beach Antique Swap Meet -- Part 1 -- 405 South - Looks empty...

Don't know how fast I'm going.
I stay in the #3 lane @ about 4,000 RPM.
I'm guessing that it's somewhere between 60 and 65 MPH...
Some of the cars passing me seem to be going 15 to 20 MPH faster.
Once in awhile, I pass a car going even slower or a truck, but it's rare.


Fixing a small dry erase board (about 8.5" x 11")

CM uses these small dry eraser boards in her classroom.
This one's cover separated from the board.
The glue gave up...

There's one spot where the MDF material came off and is still stuck on the back of the metal surface.

Used a razor blade to take off the stuck-on MDF material.

Used contact cement to fix it.

Allowed the contact cement to dry to the touch (about 10 to 20 minutes).

The problem with contact cement is that you get one shot!
There's no "adjusting" if the alignment is wrong.
Got lucky and it's just about right.
All fixed.

Sunday, May 22, 2022 -- Marina Del Rey -- Busy. Boats going in and out of the marina. Bike path is also busy...


Sunday, May 22, 2022 -- Long Beach Motorcycle Swap Meet -- Part 6 -- 1968 VW Type 3 Speedometer

1968 VW Type 3 speedometer.
Has a gas gauge built-in.

Other than being dirty, the gauge seems to be in decent condition.
The needle isn't broken, the indicator film is intact (although somewhat faded) & the graphics look crisp.

Like the Porsche gauges, the trim ring is very difficult to remove.

Part #:  113957023B (113 stands for type 3)
5.68 (housing made in May of 1968)
The paint/ink marking for when it was installed in a car is not readable.
Most likely towards the end of the 1968 model year.


Saturday, May 21, 2022 -- Culver City Old Tool Swap Meet -- Part 7 - Plomb 3/16" X 1/8" Punch


Cobra - The Shelby American Original Archives 1962-1965 -- Part 14


Monday, May 30, 2022

Prescription Drug Drop Off

Went to Pavillions pharmacy to get my second covid booster shot.
Noticed this drop off box next to the pharmacy.
I have a bunch of old medication I need to bring to this...


Sunday, May 22, 2022 -- Dockweiler Beach -- Parking lots are full and there's a lot going on


Sunday, May 22, 2022 -- Long Beach Motorcycle Swap Meet -- Part 5 -- 1972 Porsche 911 Tachometer

Silver button on the center of the needle.
Correct for 1972.
6,250 RPM redline.
The trim ring is rusty.

On these gauges, the trim ring is folded over the edge of the rear housing and the rings are not designed to be easily removed.
Need to find or make a special tool for removing the trim ring.

Lots of markings on the back of the gauge.

The markings I recognize:
6 cylinder
12/71 (manufacturing date of the gauge housing: December 1971)
2.72 (the date that the gauge was assembled to the car:  February 1972)

Pretty dirty and rusty...