Friday, September 20, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024 - Kauai - Lawa'i Bay Beach

The owner of the gallery in Hanapepe said that this beach is her favorite.
She told us where to park and that there are signs saying private property that you can ignore for going to the beach.
It's about a 1/3 mile hike down to the beach from where you park.
We parked near this closed gate.
There's a narrow trail that starts on the left side of the car gate.
You ignore the no trespassing signs and take the hiking trail.

The trail is steep in places but not bad in the dry.

The beach is nice and not many people there since you kinda need to know about it to get there.
But, the waves were pretty active so not so good for snorkeling.
This river flows into the bay.
Found this piece of drift wood that looks like Master Oogway from Kung-Fu Panda.
The bottom piece is nearly all amber.
Kukui nuts.
Don't know what this seed pod is.


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