Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Friday, July 12, 2024 - Manhattan Beach Pier (crashed today)

Had a relatively slow speed crash today.
Hit some sand on the concrete bike trail in a curving downhill section.

Was trying to slow down but kept sliding on the latching layers of sand on the bike path.
After three slides while trying to slow and follow a curve at the same time, I ran out of concrete as I couldn't make the curve and ran off the concrete into the sand on the side of the path.

The tire/wheel stops quickly when it hits soft sand.
So the bike came to a pretty quick stop and I fell on my right side and slid a bit.

Overall, I got away with very little damage.
Some light road rash on my right lower leg and forearm.
I didn't see the slight road rash on my right hip until I took the shower after the ride.

Have had a slightly stiff neck for the next few days but overall, no significant effects from the fall.

Don't know how many times I've fallen while riding.
Probably into the double digits.
Around a dozen times?


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