Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Proto, Superslim, Stainless Screws, Cabinet Locks, BuckBros & Miller Falls (before & after cleaning)

Not such a dramatic difference in the pictures, after cleaning.  In reality, there's a big difference...

One corner is badly chipped.  Will grind it down to make a smooth cutting/scraping edge...

Ground the edge even and cleaned the metal portion.

The plastic handle portions needs cleaning...

Plastic handle portion, after cleaning...

The metal potion has been cleaned.  Now the wood handle portion needs a little TLC...
Lightly scrubbed the wood to take off most of the dirt and some of the original finish, but not too much...

Applied Watco Wood Oil...

It looks wet in the picture but it's not.  The wood has been rubbed with a cloth so is dry.  The shiny appearance is the original varnish finish being highlighted by the oil.

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