Friday, January 25, 2019

Christmas-New Years break in the UK -- Part 6 -- House Rented in London & the London Science Museum

Three story home with many bedrooms and two baths.  We used three bedrooms...

Entrance area to the Science Museum.   Cool bike display  overhead...

James Watt

James Watt's workshop equipment was on display.  Some pretty cool and complex tools.

A very early (turn of the 20th century) motorized trike.

Small cars from various nations.

The science museum has a pretty amazing collection of early aero engines.  Unfortunately, they're displayed poorly so it's difficult to look at the engines (& to take photos).

Airplane wheel, as it transitions from wire spokes to cast (in this case with an integral drum brake).

Early airplane cockpit with foot operated controls and various levers & a steering wheel...

An actual Enigma machine, as used by the Germans in WWII.

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