Sunday, September 5, 2021

Saturday, August 28, 2021 -- 105 Freeway West -- CHP traffic break to allow special escort for group of emergency vehicles to enter the freeway

Every onramp was blocked for several miles to allow the emergency vehicle convoy to go down the 105 with no traffic!

Happened to be the second car back from the traffic break...


Clearing Out the Backyard...

Need to clear out the backyard driveway for the BBQ tomorrow.
Need to find homes for all the stuff under the taps.
First the small pile under the tarp.
Took off the tarp & using it to spread out the stuff to organize where the stuff may be able to go...

Moved the fridge from under the tarp to the space next to the garage.

Made space in the outside bins for most of the stuff...

After 6 hours of work...
Most of the stuff found new homes, except for the big stuff (like the two bikes against the garage...).