Friday, September 11, 2020

Manhattan Beach Pier -- September 8, 2020 (Tuesday) -- Overcast

After the unusually hot weekend, today is overcast and relatively cool (mid-70s).

Didn't ride over the weekend (too hot).
The rest makes a difference in recovery.  Rode with very moderate effort today (no lactic acid).
Have to pace for the week.
Due to the rest & less than usual wind, averaged 19.5 MPH today...

The Tour-de-France Peloton is averaging around 30 MPH.  Even with the drafting, it's hard to imagine riding that fast for 100 miles/day...

Applying Leather conditioner on the sofa -- part 4 and last

This is the last section of the leather couch that got the leather conditioner applied.
All the sections, when dry, went back to close to the original color.  It's just slightly darker and has a slight amount of gloss.
Hopefully, the leather will stay soft and avoid cracking...